Mischief. Mayhem. Soap

Friday, March 31, 2006

Are We Next?

New Zealand Dogs Microchipped
The Government has snubbed farmers and their lobbyists by refusing to exempt farm dogs from rules that dogs first registered from July must be microchipped.
You heard it right. Socialist New Zealand government economy requires ALL dogs to get microchipped. See how well it works conditioning the population. Next humans get their mark. The subhumanisation of the population conditioning to comply in all legislation regarding the RFID. All food, all animals, all humans better take that mark.You better mark your pets. They are not free, they are not God born animals, and they are now the property of the New Zealand representatives to the UN. Comply, or else.
ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Any chaos is an excuse, and EASY excuse, to get the docile to agree with the elite, who pretend to be government, to gain enough control to RULE over the people, and make them their tool bags.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tourism Australia: "Tourism spoof not bloody funny!"

SMH article
A comedy writer has been forced to take down an online spoof of the controversial "where the bloody hell are you" TV ad after legal threats.
Dan Ilic, 24, produced a parody of the ad, changing the jingle to "Where the f---ing hell are you?" and inserting negative images of Australian life.

It’s so ironic that Tourism Australia can go running around the world telling every country that they haven't got a sense of humour because they banned the ads.
"Well, I'm absolutely amazed at the British TV Advertising Regulator. I think he's lost his sense of humour."

"What this decision shows is that Canada lags behind Americans, Brits and even Germans in the sense of humour stakes"

And all of sudden, they got all upset when Dan Ilic make a well-made spoof which portrays the real Australia, with a real sense of humour.
The video was viewed about 30,000 times on video website youtube.com. However, Mr Ilac removed it from his website, Downwind Media, after complaints from Tourism Australia, which last week described the ad as "mean spirited and humourless".
Bloody wankers...

Monday, March 27, 2006

A lesson for us all

Tonight’s South Park episode is entirely about a religion again. Not sure if SBS has planned this since they showed that scientology episode only 2 weeks ago and those episodes were not belong to same season. Anyway, this episode was about the only true religion, Mormonism.

All About Mormons starts with a Mormon kid named Gary moves to South Park and it’s up to Stan to kick his ass. But when Stan and his dad meet their new Mormon neighbours, they become fascinated with him genuinely nice they are. While the other boys mock Stan relentlessly for hanging out with Gary, Randy forces the rest of his family to become Mormon. Throughout the episode is the story of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon recreated in a south-park-style musical form.
For most of the verses, every alternate line is "dum dum dum dum dummm" until the verse about Martin Harris’ wife Lucy, the only person to question Smith’s incredible prophecies, Lucy is referred to as "smart smart smart smart smart," revealing that the previous verses actually contained the line, "dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb," referring to Smith, Martin Harris, and other followers..
After Stan hears the entire story, he launches into an incredulous rant at the Mormons about their ridiculous belief. This doesn't much upset anyone in the Mormon family, other than Gary, who confronts Stan the next day with a thought-provoking speech

Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up, but I have a great life and a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. The truth is, I don't care if Joseph Smith made it all up, because what the church teaches now is loving your family, being nice and helping people. And even though people in this town might think that's stupid, I still choose to believe in it. All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan, but you're so high and mighty you couldn't look past my religion and just be my friend back. You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls.”

Suck my balls. A tolerance lesson for us all.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

BigBrother is...being watched

BB's cold shower

BB covers up

HOUSEMATES in the next series of reality TV show Big Brother will be taught how to avoid sexual harassment and bullying.
The Ten Network made the undertaking to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) after the watchdog found a third episode of the 2005 series of Big Brother Uncut breached broadcast standards.

This goes completely against what the show is supposed to be about.
Typically, Big Brother housemates will have a more open minded attitude towards sexuality than the politicians trying to ban it and as the show is essentially about observing human behaviour, the housemates should be allowed to behave naturally (though within the law obviously) without producers teaching them their manners!
When housemates are being judged on their character, you need to be able to see all aspects of their character - including their politically incorrect opinions!
This means that when housemates have views which are homophobic or racist, they should be allowed to express them as a part of their character on which they are judged, rather than having their views suppressed to fit in with the norm. The housemates and viewers will usually bring them to account.
We have the right to choose what we want to see. What is the point of having a show depicting reality that is tinkered or tampered with to please a minority? And said minority would be stuffy straight people that more likely than not did not even view Michael's "massage" just heard about it later on. A great example of how the viewing public votes on what it sees is
When Hotdogs got roaring drunk in the rewards room, groped Glenn and insulted Vesna. We saw it all and were understandably outraged. Yet when it was replayed (because of all the controversy) it was a much tamer version and Hotdogs was kept in, when he should’ve gone.
I'm not sure which would be worse actually - the producers curbing the behaviour of the housemates, or viewers not being to see how the housemates actually behave.
Anyhow, on the positive side that article at least implies Uncut will return which means we still can see ultra-hot lesbian kissing!

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I'v seen this phrase used a lot recently on internet but I'm obviously too dumb to figure out what it means. So I did some research, here's what I found

  • Emo is a style of dress. (Popular: Tight shirt and tight jeans and also all the latest trendy skater wear such as Hollister, BAM, etc... Also black frame glasses often)
  • Emo is a style of hair. (Popular: Guys with female hair cuts and also long messy/shaggy hair. For female- Popular: Long bangs that cover eyes and blondish/white hair with black dye.)
  • Emo is a genre of music. (Popular: Dashboard Confessionals)
  • Emo is an emotion/lifestyle which can include all of the above. Popular: Kids that do not want attention from adults. They can tend to stay in thier rooms alone for long periods of time listning to sad and depressing music. Popular: Always over sensitive and wants pitty from others, but would never admit that.
  • Emo IS the music style, but when all the dumb ass kids started trying to dress like the musicians, it became the trend.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The War Is On

So, Scientology, you may have won this battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will not stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!

Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu.

First, Isaac Hayes (chef) quitted the show; then, Tom Cruise forced to cancel the airing; now, Trey Parker and Matt Stone officially declare war on Scientology. Trapped in the Closet will definitely be one of the most controversial and memorable episodes of all time.
I was lucky to catch this episode on SBS right before the controversy began. One of the hightlight of this episode is when the Scientology president tells Stan about the crazy sci-fi story of Xenu, which came up with is animated with an onscreen caption reading "THIS IS WHAT SCIENTOLOGISTS ACTUALLY BELIEVE."
While its really funny, but is it really that much weirder then a naked man and woman being told not to eat a poisoned apple from a snake? Or an invisible man in the sky creating the whole universe out of nothing, and then creating human? Woman made from Adam's rib? What the hell were they smoking back that? Any belief that says there's an invisible man in the sky ruling over all of us is pretty damn funny, in my opinion. It's just that we're so used to the concept that it doesn't strike us as odd and ridiculous anymore.
That said,
I think Scientology has the right idea; they've taken an idea and turned it into something outrageously silly, which is what all religions should strive for - instead of doing it half-assedly.

It's also funny that every other religion has endured hundreds and thousands of years of criticism, wars and persecution, but one little cartoon could offend one person of influence so much that he has to use that influence to get it off the air.
I think that Tom Cruise is just a big fish in a small pond. I mean if he was a member of any other religion who would care or know. Because he is a celebrity in an obscure religion (cult, or whatever), he is important to the group to promote their causes.
Gay or not, insane or not, he needs to be taught a lesson, and I think that the guys from South Park are going to do it. I can't wait to watch.

Here is the entire episode of Trapped in the Closet

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Internet Porn Censorship

Beazley announces plan to block Internet porn
Radio Interview Transcript

The Federal Opposition has outlined a plan to block Internet pornography reaching home computers.
Opposition Leader Kim Beazley says a Labor government would introduce laws requiring Internet service providers to offer a "clean feed" without pornographic and violent sites.
So rather than a parent taking responsibility for what their children look at when online, an ALP government would rather force adults to opt in? I do realise that many people may not be able to afford the software required to block internet pornography, that many may not be aware of it and/or that many would find the instructions to operate such software baffling, but doesn't that suggest that the ALP would be better off trying to develop a policy that takes effect at the users' end, or maybe just an educational policy regarding internet pornography?

I do appreciate the concern and the intention, but I think that this policy would be too restrictive for those rational and consenting adults who chose to view and pay for internet pornography.

God is a statistic

It has been past for 2 months, but it always pop up on my mind. When those miners in US were trapped underground, at first it was reported to everyone’s families that they were all ok and had survived. At the time everyone was at a massive church gathering to pray. When news hit that everyone survived there was much celebration and everyone thanked God. The pastor/priest proclaimed with such affirmation that it was proof that God still makes miracles. There were clips on the news channels of the people praising God over and over.
Well, shortly after that, the news came that the miners were actually dead. Suddenly there was no mention of God anymore. Was that no longer a miracle from God? I did not hear God mentioned again from that point on. Why?
Its moments like that, convince me that people latch onto God because it is easy. It’s so easy to say God makes miracles, but only when good things happen.
It’s just the chances of life and death. God doesn’t care if you die or live. I guarantee you that those miners prayed to God to be saved. So why weren’t they? Where was God? You're telling me all 12 miners deserved to die? All good people on earth who die deserve to die?
God doesn’t listen to prayers, doesn’t answer prayers, and does not make miracles. It is just the chances of life that occur. If you fall down a hill and happen to not break any bones, it isn’t God, its luck. If you fall down a hill and break all your bones, it isn’t the devil, its just bad luck.
I actually think that mankind might be created by something, that creator however does not involve themselves in our affairs. What we do with our lives is our own choices. God doesn’t seek revenge or wage holy wars, God doesn’t send certain men to do his bidding, and God doesn’t perform miracles. People do all these things. God is simply a comfort zone, something to believe in when we feel alone, in danger, or just need reassurance of our existence.
The point of life is to enjoy and experience. It’s better to be a good person, because good people make better societies which make life more enjoyable. The bible is simply a set of instructions on how to live in society and how to be a good person. God didn’t write it. Man wrote it.
Allah, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, all the same shit. When you pray to god, you are also praying to Allah. Its all the same. Yet men fight wars over the differences in viewpoints on God. What a shame that people will believe things so strongly, to the point of killing others. All religions have done it. Even non-religious people kill. Do they go to heaven or hell? I don’t think so, I don’t think those places exist. It’s all in the mind.
Some may say that without the fear of going to hell wont a lot of people are inclined to do what they want with no fear of punishment? I say no, because society will punish them, man will not stand for injustice for an extended period of time. Eventually the battle between good and evil rests on man's shoulders. The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
There are many evil men who believe in God and religion and carry evil acts in their names. Many serial killers were devout followers of Jesus, God, Allah, etc. Did God tell them to kill? They certainly say so. Yet people will say that they are just crazy for believing that God told them to kill. Ironically enough those same people don’t think its crazy at all when someone like George Bush tells the entire nation that God told him to go to war. Don’t people stop and think about this concept? I do, all the time, I see it everywhere. Read this last paragraph again and think hard about it.
I’m glad people can go to a church and feel better about life after praying. Personally I think it’s all psychological, it’s in their heads. For example, a man goes to church to pray to God for a better economic situation. Suddenly he wins the lottery and he thanks god, cries his eyes out in happiness and looks to the sky and says "thank you god", god answered his prayers. Now imagine if that same man had gone to church and prayed for the exact same thing but did not win the lottery and came home to find his family had been murdered. Does he thank God for this? Was this Gods fault? Because God made it possible for him to win the lottery in the last example which means he listened and granted his wish. But in this example his life got worse....yet I don’t think anyone would actually say, God listened to his prayers and this was his answer. It just doesn’t happen.
It’s all in people's heads.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Nameless Monster

A creepy fairy tale I like from Monster

Once upon a time, there lived a nameless

The monster was dying to have a name.
So he decided to set out on a journey to find his name. But the world was a
large place. So the monster split into two on his journey.

One went to the East, and the other went to the West.

The monster that went east came to a

"Mr. Blacksmith, please give me
your name."

"You can't give someone a

"If you give me your name, I'll jump
into your stomach and make you strong in return."

"Really? You'll make me stronger? Okay, you can have my

And the monster jumped into the
blacksmith's mouth.

Then monster became the
Otto the blacksmith. Otto was the strongest man in town. But one day,

"Look at me, look at me, the monster inside me has
grown this large."

"Chomp chomp. Munch
Munch, Gobble Gobble GULP."

The hungry
monster ate Otto from the inside.

He went
back to being a monster with no name.

He jumped into the stomach of Hans the shoe-maker,

"Chomp chomp. Munch Munch, Gobble
Gobble GULP."

He went back to being a
monster without a name.

He jumped into the stomach
of Thomas the hunter, but,

"Chomp chomp.
Munch Munch, Gobble Gobble GULP."

And once
again he was a monster without a name.

The monster went to the
castle to look for a wonderful name.

"If you
give me your name, I'll make you strong.”

”If you'll heal my sickness, I'll give you my name."
The monster jumped into the boy's stomach. The boy
became very healthy.

The king was

"The prince is well! The prince
is well!"

The monster liked the boy's

He liked living in the castle. So even
when he was hungry, he stayed put.

he was so hungry, but he stayed put.

But one
day, he was just too hungry.

"Look at
me, look at me, the monster inside me has grown this big."

The boy ate the king and all the servants.
"Chomp chomp. Munch Munch, Gobble Gobble GULP."

One day, the boy met the monster who went

"I have a name. It's a wonderful

The monster who went west

“You don’t need a name. You can be
happy without a name.”

“Because we are
nameless monsters.”

The boy ate the monster
who went west.

Even though he had finally found a
name, there was no one around to call him by it.

Johan was such a wonderful name…"

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Saddam Silenced

Hussein Tells Iraq to Unite Against U.S.

Excerpts from Saddam-judge exchange

This morning, during what was supposed to be Saddam's opportunity to take the stand in his defense, he instead used it as a venue for a political platform. The judge warned him, then shut off his mic and ended todays events when Saddam continued his stumping. Saddam identified himself as the President of Iraq and told Iraqis to fight against the invaders.

This got me thinking a little. Is what Saddam suggests such a bad idea? What I am thinking is, would American rather have the Iraqi's fighting each other or American soldiers? Is Saddam demonstrating good leadership from behind bars by attempting to unite his people against a common enemy?

On a side note, if Saddam were placed back in power, how long would it take for him to regain control of Iraq: end the insurgency and muffle the terorrist? I bet he could do it in a year; a fucking bloody one though.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Howard Stern vs David Letterman

Tonight's "Late Show" has the best interview since last Letterman vs O'Reilly.
Basically what happened before the show is, CBS sued Stern and his agent, charging that they engaged in misappropriation by promoting satellite before he left the air.
Stern came on to the show with a "I Hate Les Moonves" T-Shirt, and did a wild rant against CBS, especially CBS chief Leslie Moonves during the whole show; and Surprisedly, Letterman kept him on for 3 full segments, something he never does.

The best part of the interview was when Howard owned Lettermen.
Dave tried to call Howard out for taking off Fridays, and Howard asked Dave how many days a week he works and how many vacations he has taken since January.
Dave: 4 days a week, and 2 vacations
Howard: 5 days a week(has taken 2 Fridays off in 3 months) and 0 vacations
Dave shut his mouth up once Howard told him that.

Even I only knew little about Stern and the lawsuit, I still find its worth watching. Can't wait to see how letterman would respond on 2morow's show.
So here's the clip: Howard Stern vs David Letterman

LOL @ the t-shirt

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Media Reform

Media ownership laws to be relaxed

The Federal Government has unveilled its plan for a major relaxation of media ownership and digital broadcasting laws.

Communications Minister Helen Coonan announced the proposals at a conference in Sydney.

God Bless Australia...

or should I say R.I.P

Monday, March 13, 2006

Controversial Aussie tourism ads causes storm after US translation

I don't see what the fuss is about, to be honest, it doesn’t deserve to be such big issue. It's just another example of political correctness gone mad! And I don't understand how British allow Ali G say some wild shit and offended by bloody.
The ad itself is not funny at all compare to the ad in which Ronn Moss says Bloody Hell with a really bad Aussie accent. And the tagline is "You can tell when it's not all Aussie". Just pure brilliant!

Check them out if you don't know what the bloody hell I'm talking about

Bloody Tourism Ad
All Aussie Ad

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Natalie Portman is Da Real G'

If you think 50 Cent is gangsta... Check this video out, and you see what "Gangsta" is all about!

Natalie Portman's Gangster Rap

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Prison Break

I'm officially hooked on Prison Break.

This week's episode was edge of the seat action. The riot was well done and very realistic though I wondered why the guards don't carry firearms...
I wasnt so sure about the egg beater used as a drill *laughs* yep it must be a very good egg beater to drill through that big wall. I am sure he didnt buy it from ikea.
And poor Michael, for every step forward, he seems to take two steps backward.
My only problem with this show just like LOST and 24 to a certain extent is that they are somewhat predictable and after a certain period to me it seems they will just run out of a story line or will have dragged out the story way to long and the show will end, but i am sure just like LOST there are plenty of twists and turns that keep you glued to your TV sceen but with PB i mean they have a certain period to get out b4 he is executed so once that date comes about or they prove his innocence the story is over. But hey im not a writer so i have no idea what else may be in store, thats why these guys get the big bucks and entice networks to run such shows
Can't wait for next week's Riot Part II

It's gonna be a prison break!

Good Questions

Here are a few things to think about that you may have never thought about before.
    • Can you cry under water?
    • How important does a person have to be before they are considered
      assassinated instead of just murdered?
    • Why do you have to "put your two cents in"... but it's only a "penny for
      your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going?
    • Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were
      buried in for eternity?
    • Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
    • What disease did cured ham actually have?
    • How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a
      good idea to put wheels on luggage?
    • Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up
      like every two hours?
    • Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
    • Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in
      binoculars to look at things on the ground?
    • Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you
      naked anyway.
    • Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible
      crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
    • If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about
    • Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?
    • If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut,
      why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
    • Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both
    • If Wiley E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't
      he just buy dinner?
    • If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables,
      what is baby oil made from?
    • If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from
    • Does the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same
    • Why did you just try singing the two songs above?
    • Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but
      call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?
    • Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride he sticks his head out the

Friday, March 10, 2006

Welcome to Project Mayhem

1st Rule: You do not talk about Project Mayhem


3nd Rule: If this is you first time here, you have to post