Mischief. Mayhem. Soap

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

God is a statistic

It has been past for 2 months, but it always pop up on my mind. When those miners in US were trapped underground, at first it was reported to everyone’s families that they were all ok and had survived. At the time everyone was at a massive church gathering to pray. When news hit that everyone survived there was much celebration and everyone thanked God. The pastor/priest proclaimed with such affirmation that it was proof that God still makes miracles. There were clips on the news channels of the people praising God over and over.
Well, shortly after that, the news came that the miners were actually dead. Suddenly there was no mention of God anymore. Was that no longer a miracle from God? I did not hear God mentioned again from that point on. Why?
Its moments like that, convince me that people latch onto God because it is easy. It’s so easy to say God makes miracles, but only when good things happen.
It’s just the chances of life and death. God doesn’t care if you die or live. I guarantee you that those miners prayed to God to be saved. So why weren’t they? Where was God? You're telling me all 12 miners deserved to die? All good people on earth who die deserve to die?
God doesn’t listen to prayers, doesn’t answer prayers, and does not make miracles. It is just the chances of life that occur. If you fall down a hill and happen to not break any bones, it isn’t God, its luck. If you fall down a hill and break all your bones, it isn’t the devil, its just bad luck.
I actually think that mankind might be created by something, that creator however does not involve themselves in our affairs. What we do with our lives is our own choices. God doesn’t seek revenge or wage holy wars, God doesn’t send certain men to do his bidding, and God doesn’t perform miracles. People do all these things. God is simply a comfort zone, something to believe in when we feel alone, in danger, or just need reassurance of our existence.
The point of life is to enjoy and experience. It’s better to be a good person, because good people make better societies which make life more enjoyable. The bible is simply a set of instructions on how to live in society and how to be a good person. God didn’t write it. Man wrote it.
Allah, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, all the same shit. When you pray to god, you are also praying to Allah. Its all the same. Yet men fight wars over the differences in viewpoints on God. What a shame that people will believe things so strongly, to the point of killing others. All religions have done it. Even non-religious people kill. Do they go to heaven or hell? I don’t think so, I don’t think those places exist. It’s all in the mind.
Some may say that without the fear of going to hell wont a lot of people are inclined to do what they want with no fear of punishment? I say no, because society will punish them, man will not stand for injustice for an extended period of time. Eventually the battle between good and evil rests on man's shoulders. The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
There are many evil men who believe in God and religion and carry evil acts in their names. Many serial killers were devout followers of Jesus, God, Allah, etc. Did God tell them to kill? They certainly say so. Yet people will say that they are just crazy for believing that God told them to kill. Ironically enough those same people don’t think its crazy at all when someone like George Bush tells the entire nation that God told him to go to war. Don’t people stop and think about this concept? I do, all the time, I see it everywhere. Read this last paragraph again and think hard about it.
I’m glad people can go to a church and feel better about life after praying. Personally I think it’s all psychological, it’s in their heads. For example, a man goes to church to pray to God for a better economic situation. Suddenly he wins the lottery and he thanks god, cries his eyes out in happiness and looks to the sky and says "thank you god", god answered his prayers. Now imagine if that same man had gone to church and prayed for the exact same thing but did not win the lottery and came home to find his family had been murdered. Does he thank God for this? Was this Gods fault? Because God made it possible for him to win the lottery in the last example which means he listened and granted his wish. But in this example his life got worse....yet I don’t think anyone would actually say, God listened to his prayers and this was his answer. It just doesn’t happen.
It’s all in people's heads.


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