Mischief. Mayhem. Soap

Thursday, April 27, 2006

MySpace and NCMEC

MySpace.com Begins Running Child-Safety Ads
Along with ads for bottled water and iTunes, a new campaign has begun appearing on the online social networking hub MySpace.com.
I think it's a smart move by Murdoch and MySpace. Myspace has gotten an extremely bad rap in the media, now they are having to do this to make sure they look good in the media. Not saying its not a good idea, but this is a big PR move for them. Hopefully the move will also help educate kids about resources to help them protect themselves online.
Myspace has gotten so out of control its ridiculous. They have like actual gang members from really really rough/criminal gangs on there having groups, showing off their pages etc... Its like people run their lives on that site, especially highschool kids.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The greatest news story. Ever.

Rape accused 'had sex with wrong woman'
A man who claims he mistakenly had sex with "the wrong woman" after entering a dark bedroom at the home of a Sydney magazine editor was yesterday committed to stand trial for rape.
I can see how this case would go either way. I would definetly hate to be a juror, I'd go eat some ecoli right now just to miss it. It's all a bit suspicious that the girl is a joker. I'm sorry, you just dont do that. Wake up and find ur boyfriend fucking you and just accept it.
And this story actually mirrors a weird movie I watched before. The story goes that this guy living in the apartment above spies this husband having sex with his wife every night through this peep hole in the wooden floor. The husband would just start screwing from the back just like that while the wife is sleeping or whatever, lying the other way butt up, so she don't actually see him. This guy thought that it would be a good opportunity apparently and did the same thing when the husband wasn't around, with the wife none-the-wiser, until one day she just turned around for some reason and realised the guy wasn't her husband and got a big shock. They end up becoming lovers though... so it's a bit different from this case.
And yah, I know this movie is bizarre... but maybe this guy got some inspiration from it.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Ten Commandments

I tuned in tonight watched the second part of The Ten Commandments on Seven.
Few observations: Moses looks a little bit like Jesus in this one, but I like how they are showing their lives as a nomadic people in the desert.
My friend was saying how he doesn't like how Moses is portrayed as being arrogant. Also they show Moses as somewhat delusional, as if he was only hearing voices instead of the word of God. I love how they show the people showed disbelief in a god they could not see and was only giving orders to Moses. There were some smart people then. But back to the movie... Instead of showing God taking care of the people by making the Earth split, they show the people with Moses killing all those who go against God.
I originally asked if anyone could point out where God said to kill the people who would go against God, but my friend found it in the Bible that God ordered his followers to kill the 3,000 dissenters. So God ordered the shedding of blood? An all loving God ordered the shed of blood and yet, we shall not kill? HAH! It is interesting how the older version shows the Earth splitting under people? They couldn't have just cut out from the violence back then? I wonder what their reason was for using this instead of the violent murder of people
Also, they show how the Ten Commandments came about from the actions of the wandering Hebrews. So it makes me wonder if the Ten Commandments were really meant for the Hebrews and not mean to be applied to other people.
Outside of the graphic violence, the movie is pretty good.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Passion

Finally saw this legendary movie on 7, Uncut and COMMERCIAL FREE!

A few observations… First, and most importantly: Monica Bellucci is hot!

movie itself was nothing special, I got more out of the 15 minutes of flashbacks than the 90 minutes of repetitive torturing. Good Friday the 14th. The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre. Needless to say the movie was moving. If boring. And it was boring. Same thing over and over and over.
Besides that, Dr. Evil was cool, Judas was neat, Magdalen was hot (have I said that? Yes I did)
Everything that wasn't Jesus being hurt was cool, but Jesus being whipped took up 7/8 of the running time. I wouldn't rent it, but I’m glad I got to see it on Free TV.

Happy Crucifixion,

Jack's Testicle

(P.S., Monica Bellucci is hot!)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Expulsion of gay student

Well, this is dumb:
Johnson, a sophomore majoring in theater arts, was expelled from the university Thursday because he declared online that he is gay. In a statement released last week, the university's president, Jim Taylor said students are held to a "higher standard" and that "students know the rules before they come to this institution."
Ok, on the face of it: it's a Baptist university. The rulebook says you have to uphold Baptist standards, which apparently means homos are no-no's.
Problem is, the rulebook didn't say that when this guy started college:
But a copy of the student handbook provided by the university confirmed the policy was not spelled out in 2003-04, when Johnson chose to attend. The school did not provide a copy of the policy for the 2004-05 school year. The 2005-06 student handbook says: "Any student who engages in or promotes sexual behavior not consistent with Christian principles (including sex outside marriage and homosexuality) may be suspended or asked to withdraw."
Seriously. He'd been there since 2003. It's a few weeks till the end of the bloody school year. Surely, anyone he was going to lure into his web of sin and infect with evil gay flu was already a lost cause, right?
It's a religious school. It's a religion I'm not particularly fond of, but on the face of it I can respect their right to make their own policies. As long as they're not doing it on me, I couldn't care less.
But this...seems a bit much. The policy wasn't spelled out when the guy enrolled, and for his part the guy wasn't exactly running around campus in a leather vest and ass-less chaps singing "YMCA."
How would it have harmed them to just let this guy pass?

Google bomb

Ok everyone, go to www.google.com then type in "failure" and after that, click "I'm feeling lucky." Wait until you see what pops up...that's just amazing. I wonder if it's an accident or not?

Edit: I later found out it just one of the Google bombs
Google are interesting (and often humorous), but an anti-semetic site googlebombed the word "jew". =/

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Paris Hilton has a great voice

Paris Hilton The Icon
In her interview with
America’s Elle magazine, Paris Hilton claims she’s so talented she belongs in the category usually reserved for iconic stars like Madonna.
The star insists she was born with amazing vocal skills.
She said: "I’ve always had a great voice."

"You either have it or you don’t. It’s something you’re born with."

The self-assured blonde also confessed she thinks she'll be a success in any career.

"I’m a brand, a model, an artiste, an actress, a designer. I write books."
Now here is a clip of her singing Happy Birthday to Hugh Hefner for his 80th birthday, it proves everything she said. She is totally just like Madonna and Marilyn Monroe... If they were crack whores.
That was just excruciating. I always think it's not possible for me to hate her any more, but then she opens her mouth and proves me wrong every time. The best moments were the silent ones, in where she forgets what she is actually doing. But that tends to happened when you're fucked up with cocaine. No, seriously, her voice is just fine, but that doesn't mean she should ever be allowed to open her mouth for anything except a blow job.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Best cities to live in

World-wide quality of living survey

Zurich is the city with the highest quality of life in 2006, while Baghdad, for the third year running, has the lowest, a survey published Monday shows.

Geneva and Vancouver made the top three in the list compiled by human resource company Mercer while Bangui in the Central African Republic and Brazzaville, the capital of Congo Republic, joined Baghdad in the bottom three.

The top three cities in the list are all unchanged from last year.

I wonder if it should be re-worded to "The Best Cities to Live In.....

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Girl, 10, protests dress code

10 year old girl fights for her right to wear mini-skirts to school
Zoe Hinkle thinks her miniskirt is fashionable. Her school's principal says otherwise.
The fourth-grader plans to hold a rally after school Friday along with some classmates at Streams Elementary School in Upper St. Clair. The girls want to let school administrators know they don't appreciate being told their dresses are too short.
"I think I needed to say something about it," Hinkle, 10, said Wednesday. "Freedom of expression should be the style you choose."
Funny how those that have kids or usually mature posters are in agreement that letting a child wear that is outrageous, and not suprising that others don't have a problem.
No wonder kids are having kids today. If parents are going to let there child dress like that they obviously dont care if there child gets looked upon by lots of young boys. Imagine what she'll be wearing a 13? If her parents would let her dress like that or worse at 13 just imagine what else they will put up with.
I have always had a theory that there are way more pedophiles and sick fucks in the world that have kept hidden but secretly cheer on those that actually do things. It explains how pedophiles and child molestors get slaps on the wrist.
And no, she's a minor so her rights are limited, but it's up to her parents to have some common sense, maturity and some form of morals to say that that's just not something a 10 year old wears.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Doctor Doom

Crazy doctor wants to kill off 90% of humans with airborne EBOLA
Doctor Doom, Eric Pianka, Receives Standing Ovation from Texas Academy of Science

A respected Texas scientist says the best way to kill 90 per cent of the people on the planet and save the world is the Ebola virus.
"HIV is too slow," Eric Pianka said. "It's no good."

That doc is right. Death waits for us all... the more "civilized" or "modern" we become, the more taboo death becomes... Think about it, we are already a corpse, there's nothing but a mineralized structure, the skeleton, bellow our skin and organs, and yet many people get all wet a gooey when talking about it.
How's that biblical phrase? From dust you came, to dust you will return, or something like that?

Monday, April 03, 2006


Study: Praying Won't Affect Heart Patients
Does praying for a sick person's recovery do any good?
In the largest scientific test of its kind, heart surgery patients showed no benefit when strangers prayed for their recovery.
And patients who knew they were being prayed for had a slightly higher rate of complications.

So can our prayers affect the happenings around us?

This ridiculous study says it cannot, but I knew that already.

I had a friend who said he saw god. I asked him how he saw God, and he told me that he prayed very hard, and God revealed himself. Thus the almighty proved his existence in my friends mind.
What this proved to me is the power of prayer. It’s faith in action.

It made me realise that it doesn't matter who or what you pray to; you may pray to Jesus or Allah or Joseph Smith. What matters is you have faith enough in your deity to feel that you can do things you cannot normally do. It is basically tricking yourself into believing that you are not entirely responsible for your actions. This can cause problems for sure, but it also can give you confidence you may be lacking just by believing that someone has got your back.
In my opinion, prayer is sole for the individual, it builds strength within the person that helps them deal with their own shortcomings and the many influences that are involved in their lives. Life is a series of setbacks that we have to deal with and overcome, faith is what we use to carry ourselves forward.

I was reminded recently that faith is a deeply personal thing that cannot be measured by any conventional means, and I should refrain from disparaging anyone's personal beliefs so as not to hurt anybody or receive physical harm upon myself.

I think we all use some sort of faith to justify our ends.

The key is to find what gives us this strength and embrace it.