Mischief. Mayhem. Soap

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Ten Commandments

I tuned in tonight watched the second part of The Ten Commandments on Seven.
Few observations: Moses looks a little bit like Jesus in this one, but I like how they are showing their lives as a nomadic people in the desert.
My friend was saying how he doesn't like how Moses is portrayed as being arrogant. Also they show Moses as somewhat delusional, as if he was only hearing voices instead of the word of God. I love how they show the people showed disbelief in a god they could not see and was only giving orders to Moses. There were some smart people then. But back to the movie... Instead of showing God taking care of the people by making the Earth split, they show the people with Moses killing all those who go against God.
I originally asked if anyone could point out where God said to kill the people who would go against God, but my friend found it in the Bible that God ordered his followers to kill the 3,000 dissenters. So God ordered the shedding of blood? An all loving God ordered the shed of blood and yet, we shall not kill? HAH! It is interesting how the older version shows the Earth splitting under people? They couldn't have just cut out from the violence back then? I wonder what their reason was for using this instead of the violent murder of people
Also, they show how the Ten Commandments came about from the actions of the wandering Hebrews. So it makes me wonder if the Ten Commandments were really meant for the Hebrews and not mean to be applied to other people.
Outside of the graphic violence, the movie is pretty good.


Blogger 2nified said...

"they show Moses as somewhat delusional, as if he was only hearing voices instead of the word of God"

i'm pretty sure anyone would look pretty delusional if they heard God speak to them.

6:38 AM

Blogger Peter Podcast said...

The old testament God was smiting here and turning people to salt and generally being a wrathful diety.
Jesus was a breath of fresh air after Him.

7:27 PM


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