Mischief. Mayhem. Soap

Monday, May 01, 2006

Congrats Tsunku

Tsunku is getting married
I wake up today with scepticism regarding this announcement, but after looking up another website...yeah, he's getting married. Part of me is just plain shocked; part of me is happy for the guy (though I’m not the least bit close to him at all save for my appreciation for MM). It seems has also surprised certain number of H!P fans. Especially, I was surprised to find out that I was not the minority that believed that he is a gay.
He wrote lyrics like

“I'm confused~! Is it sexy? Is it cute? Which is your type? I'll be confused~! I only get this way. Because I like you, because I like you!”
If I was the parent of a boy, and I found out he wrote these words in his diary, I need to have a long talk with him. Especially, in his early works for MM and Ayaya, there are lot of this kind of cute little songs. And with picture like this, it’s natural for people jumps up to the conclusion like that...
However, as H!P fans, most of us actually knew Tsunku is straight and the reason why he hadn't get married even he is surrounded by a lot of beautiful girls.
When Tsunku was a junior school student, he fell in love with a girl. However, tragically, she passed away in an accident. This adolescent lover left shadow on Tsunku's life. Even after he became a singer, he could not forget her. It is said he visits her grave on the anniversary of her death every year and is still getting in touch with her family.
“You'll never forget me. Don't forget about me. I want to stay by your side forever. But I guess it can't be helped. Ah, I think I'm gonna cry.“
'Never Forget'’s lyrics must have more meanings now.
Those early ballads were thanks to the beautiful memories of Tsunku with the girl he once in loved with. Now he finally find his true love and the ghost haunted his life has disappeared. We can hardly find any ballads in his recent works and I don’t think he can create classic ballad like Never Forget anymore..
C'est la Vie, who can blame him?


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