Mischief. Mayhem. Soap

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Game on, mole!

What an intriguing few days of TV. No matter what is said about Michael v Gretal, the last few days have created more reaction than the entire first month of the BB06.
Personally, I think Michael is a bit strange, but I heartily congratulate him on castigating the hostess. Her petulant behaviour was, quite frankly, something I'd expect from a school age child. I gave her a few points for apologising, and thought that took courage, but in no way did it overcome her earlier outburst. I can't recall seeing anything like it on TV (other than perhaps politically sensitive interviews by journalists etc).
I think he held to his convictions, actually did stir things up, and for the first time, and despite Channel 10's droning arguments that "most just go under the radar" you certainly can't say that about Michael.
All in all, its very sad to see him go. But perhaps its a reflection that our society is a relatively polite one, we quite like "average Joes" and that BB just mirrors Australian society in that big, loud-mouthed, over opinionated people who stir just for the fun of it really are a bit annoying to live with. He made great TV, but you certainly wouldn't want to live with him. He was derogated by his insider role, and we never really saw the "real" Michael, if that was ever possible. I suspect in real life he's a tad manic, a little over the top, but probably just a normal, albeit tad hyper, guy.
Big boos to Gretal's outburst, I know she would have been under pressure etc, but it was absolutely woeful to watch her. I think under the circumstances, given a hostess with many years live TV experience, Michael actually did exceptionally well in that position, considering his status as new evictee and mere guest on a national TV show.
As to Rove, I was expecting a slapdown, but it never happened. Watching the interview gave the impression Rove was working so hard to ensure he was listening carefully that his one-liners had temporarily abandoned him. And Michael was trying a bit too hard, and whilst he had cogent points, it had a forced air about it all. So I think we can summarise by saying Rove appeared a tad scared, Michael appeared a tad forced, and the whole thing was a bit of a letdown.
Oh well, let's see what happens in BB07.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Manson Encourages Global Warming?

Goth icon MARILYN MANSON has selfishly encouraged global warming declaring the children of the future deserve to "suffer". The pierced and painted rocker has caused controversy once again by making more outlandish comments. Manson says, "I don't think that people who are alive 20 years from now deserve to have a good time. "I think they should suffer, because we've suffered and now it's their turn. "So the more global warming the better."
First he helped elect Bush and now he thinks we need more Global warming?! I don't know if he said these things, noone does really, cuz we weren't there. He may have just been trying to provoke.
Problem is, this is the wrong time to say shit like this. Yeah, media distorts some things, but if Manson said this then I really don't think it's for us to complain about it, and I'm sure it's not that far from the truth; because Manson does in fact come out with some statements that contradict his otherwise wisdom. Sometimes, he sounds like overzealous.If he truly is trying to make his way into the movie making and/or high society life, then nows the time to keep his mouth shut. Rock stars make comments like that, and thats something hes chosen not to be anymore. The crowd hes trying to impress now arent going to take the same shit as the musicians do.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Prison Is Like An Amusement Park

Judge Says Man Too Small for Prison
A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.
His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.
Ok, you shouldn't be charged with child molestation if you are smaller than the fucking child.
Seems to me that they didn't put him in there because considering his height, he'd be constantly raped in the ass and everyone would be calling him their little bitch. Why not let him be the "little bitch"? Give him a taste of his own medicine.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

The movie seems fucking depressing...
Why would this be such a hot topic? Why does one group of people wholeheartedly state that it's just melodrama and the other that it is a serious issue?
The scientists are still divided on the issue.
I look at the news very different now than I did a few years ago. A 'hot topic' is only hot because the news stations are putting spin on it. There is no more 'news' it's all spin. If there was only one scientist saying that there was global warming, media would give them 50% of the time to explain it saying it was 'the other side of the story and we want to be fair.'
News media doesn't cover news anymore. They push for ratings and the fastest way to do that is cover controversial emotional stories. If they run out of stories to cover they create controversial emotional stories.
Most of the time I watch the news with a 'whatever' attitude and do my own homework on the issues.

Earthquake in Indonesia

Rest in Peace to all the perished.
May all those alive who were affected find the peace they yearn.

One disaster after another, this is horrible.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I've never read the book, but I saw the movie tonight. It starts off REAALLY slow, doesnt get remotely interesting until like an hour in to it. It was an ok movie, but i think some editing was needed.
They tried WAY too hard not to offend anyway. what annoyed me is I dont think anyone cursed once in the entire movie. it was just frustrating when a simple "motherfucker" would have made things flow so much better...
Also this is probably Tom Hanks least memorable role, right after Joe Versus the Volcanoe. The whole movie hes kinda like "well hmm i dunno...". The character has no passion, no real emotions about anything and sounded/acted like a kid with down syndrome and not a harvard professor.
Ian McKellen however kicks ass in it and is by far the most interesting character in the movie.
Overall i give it 2.5/5 stars. It got good eventually but started way too fucking slow and boring.

A sad sad day in the history of music

50 Cent Named Songwriter Of The Year
The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) voted 50 Cent songwriter of the year.
But... He got rich and didn't die trying!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Where is Wally?

Cover of Rolling Stone's 1,000th issue

Holy crap, there's some actual musicians on the cover of Rolling Stone; Ashton Kutcher must have been on vacation this week. I haven't actually seen a copy either, but it's just fun to point out how irrelevant Rolling Stone has become. I couldn't find any actual content in the magazine; after 70 pages of ads for jeans and perfume, I gave up looking for the Table of Contents.
Edit: I notice that Elvis looks disturbed that Madonna's trying to shit on his shoes, a behavior which, if they happen to be of the blue suede variety, he has clearly discouraged.

And I think I may have found Micheal Jackson… when he was black. Anyone found that?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

10,000 in Jakarta rally against... porn?

Anti-pornography rally in Jakarta
More than 10,000 people have taken part in an anti-pornography rally in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.
They were supporting a bill before parliament which would include a ban on public kissing and erotic dancing.
The bill would make organising erotic dancing punishable by up to 10 years in prison and public kissing on the mouth punishable by five years or a fine.
Don't they realise how important porn really is?
Pure democracy is rule by the lowest common denominator... a VERY bad thing.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Being a Celebrity Mother

Okay... so I'm actually quite pissed off with the way Britney Spears is being portrayed as a bad mother. Since Sean has been born, this is what has been in the media relating to his mother...

- Britney driving with Sean in lap.
- Sean's car seat facing the "wrong" way.
- Britney stumbles, almost dropping Sean.
- Britney accused of feeding Sean too much ice cream.

All this media coverage on these instances makes me sick to be honest. While I agree that she should not be driving with Sean in her lap, most of what I have seen and read is totally unfair. It's not like Britney stumbled on purpose!
The only difference between her and non-famous parents is that she is famous. There are thousands of children which are literally beaten to a pulp every day and yet ,you do not hear those stories every single day. Britney is a new mother so she's learning the ropes. She has made mistakes but every mother does. It's just that hers have been caught on camera and been plastered unnecessarily all over tv screens and magazines. The paparazzi and the media needs to give Britney a break IMO and leave her be with her son.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Jesus will txt you

If you're a late night TV freaks like me, you might catch these late night bloody sms ads...

Text flirt to 199 Slut
Text kiss to 199 Sloppy Pash
Text boobs to 199 Silicon Valley
Text geek to 199 I Can't Get A Root

And now there's gambling sms ads
Text a) Tom Cruise or b) Mel Gibson to 199 Gamblers Anonymous
For your chance to win $2000 (It was obviously Tom Cruise Make it piss easy, so we can get as many people as possible, to text in)

And now you can text for bible messages. You receive a new bible message everyday and the slogan was like carry around gods word or maybe something like this:
For a Chance to win Eternal Salvation, sms the answer to the following question:
"Jesus Is..."
A) My Lord And Saviour.
B) Mad Max.

(All SMS messagfes cost $2.00 to send an receive. We will keep on sending you messages and charging you $2 a pop until you sms "Oh God Please Stop")

Friday, May 19, 2006

CNN Accidently Airs Bush Rehearsal Live

CNN cuts early to President Bush
Not that big a deal, really. But for a second there when he was just staring at the screen looking for direction, it reminded me of the video clip when he was notified of the 9/11 attacks when he was at the school.
Actually, I'm not really it was a accident...

BTW, did anyone catch The Late Show?
David Letterman announced that Commander and Chief had been axed and stated that now that The West Wing and now Commander and Chief are no longer on American TV screens. George Bush is the only remaining "fictional" President on their TV screens

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Stephen Colbert Roasts Bush

From Crooks and Liars
Stephen Colbert spoke tonight at the dinner and lampooned pretty much everything he could think of and Helen Thomas. I used the second half of his performance because it included the Generals, Scalia, the Faux press briefing and as E&P reported:
"As he walked from the podium the president and First Lady gave Colbert quick nods, unsmiling, and left. E&P's Joe Strupp, in the crowd, observed that quite a few felt the material was, perhaps, uncomfortably biting."
In case you haven't seen it, here's Stephen Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondents' dinner. YOUTUBE unedited in three parts
Colbert Roasts Bush: Part1 Part2 Part3

It looks like the press is ignoring the incredibly nipping Colbert performance. The mainstream media did cover the event in the Sunday Headlines, but intentionally chose not to give Colbert coverage. Check Google News, you'll see this...

He must have some balls to do that character ten feet from Bush and in front of a bunch of Bush supporters. Nothing but respect for that guy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Anti-Evolution Propaganda

Kirk Cameran's anti-evolution video
This is some of the stupidest crap I have ever seen.
A Christian group searching out the dumbest people they can find to prove evolution wrong. It total propaganda, it's abundantly clear that anyone with any education would have owned this reporter and thus would not have made it on the video. They keep saying man evolved from apes. A trained ape doesn't prove that man evolved from apes! And since when as "most of scientist" believed that LUCY was just a chimpanzee?
This is just shameful.

The Longest E-mail Site on EARTH

Whatever... The World's Longest Alphabetical E-mail Address

I don't mean PROMOTING, ADVERTISING, SPAMMING or whatever.
Yesterday my friend bugging me by sending some email and my box can't view the email addres
so I had to save it first and I see this site for the address.
Holy Cow... they are really2 have some money and time to spend
maybe someday there will be http://1234567891011121314151617181920.com ?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Congrats Tsunku

Tsunku is getting married
I wake up today with scepticism regarding this announcement, but after looking up another website...yeah, he's getting married. Part of me is just plain shocked; part of me is happy for the guy (though I’m not the least bit close to him at all save for my appreciation for MM). It seems has also surprised certain number of H!P fans. Especially, I was surprised to find out that I was not the minority that believed that he is a gay.
He wrote lyrics like

“I'm confused~! Is it sexy? Is it cute? Which is your type? I'll be confused~! I only get this way. Because I like you, because I like you!”
If I was the parent of a boy, and I found out he wrote these words in his diary, I need to have a long talk with him. Especially, in his early works for MM and Ayaya, there are lot of this kind of cute little songs. And with picture like this, it’s natural for people jumps up to the conclusion like that...
However, as H!P fans, most of us actually knew Tsunku is straight and the reason why he hadn't get married even he is surrounded by a lot of beautiful girls.
When Tsunku was a junior school student, he fell in love with a girl. However, tragically, she passed away in an accident. This adolescent lover left shadow on Tsunku's life. Even after he became a singer, he could not forget her. It is said he visits her grave on the anniversary of her death every year and is still getting in touch with her family.
“You'll never forget me. Don't forget about me. I want to stay by your side forever. But I guess it can't be helped. Ah, I think I'm gonna cry.“
'Never Forget'’s lyrics must have more meanings now.
Those early ballads were thanks to the beautiful memories of Tsunku with the girl he once in loved with. Now he finally find his true love and the ghost haunted his life has disappeared. We can hardly find any ballads in his recent works and I don’t think he can create classic ballad like Never Forget anymore..
C'est la Vie, who can blame him?